FOLD File Format

Oriedita supports importing and exporting to the FOLD file format.

Additions to FOLD

There are some custom additions to the FOLD format for oriedita. These fields always start with oriedita:.


Oriedita circles are stored in the oriedita:circles_coords, oriedita:circles_radii and oriedita:circles_colors fields in the fold file.

  "oriedita:circles_coords": [[-150.0, -150.0], [200.0, -200.0], [0, 0.0]],
  "oriedita:circles_radii": [50.0, 300.0, 180.0],
  "oriedita:circles_colors": ["3", "3", "3"]


Oriedita texts are stored in the oriedita:texts_coords and oriedita:texts_text fields in the fold file.

  "oriedita:texts_text": ["This is test text", "Additional test text"],
  "oriedita:texts_coords": [[9.0, -121.0], [-156.0, 17.0]]